Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Audacity of Hope

Hi all... Thanks for being flexible about the book change, but I was a little Eat, Pray, Loved out!

I've been interested in reading this book for a while. And since Obama has a good chance of becoming our next president, I thought it would be a good time to dive in and learn a bit more about him.

Obama writes, “As the child of a black man and a white woman, someone born in the racial melting pot of Hawaii, with a sister who’s half-Indonesian but usually mistaken for Mexican or Puerto Rican, and a brother-in-law and niece of Chinese descent, with some blood relatives who resemble Margaret Thatcher and others who could pass for Bernie Mac, so that family get-togethers take on the appearance of a UN General Assembly meeting, I’ve never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race, or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe.”

It'll be interesting to see if/how reading this book makes a difference in how we vote come November. I'm excited to talk with you all about it next month. Enjoy! ~Taylor


Marci said...

Thanks Taylor. I've been interested in reading this and now have an impetus to get me to do it!

Sam said...

I read this book last fall and thought it was interesting. I learned a lot, especially because I don't consider myself very active in politics. It's a good book to let you take a step back and look a America's political situation, whether you agree with Barack or not.

I put his other book on hold at the library, "Dreams from my Father", so that will be my substitute this month. I'll be interested to see what everyone thinks. Hopefully I can remember what I read almost a year ago.