Friday, July 18, 2008

The Alchemist Question #6

Santiago is referred to as "the boy" throughout the entire book, but at the beginning of the book he gets a shave, and throughout the book he owns his own business, falls in love, etc. Is Santiago ever a man in this story, and if so when do you think he becomes or defines himself as a man. If you think that he is always a boy, why do you think that?

1 comment:

James the Bames said...

I don't think there is one definite moment when a transition occurs. I think that sometimes Santiago acts like a boy (when he is passively letting life go by) and sometimes he acts like a man (when he takes charge of his life and asserts himself). Sometimes I feel that way about myself. There are times when I really feel like an adult, and other times when I realize that I am far from it.