Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Silent Spring Question #4

As an American culture, we seem to be obsessed with solving problems chemically (pest control, losing weight, curing illness, growing and making food, etc.) instead of naturally. Does this ring true to you? If so, why do you think we are like this? If not, explain.


Marci said...

Again, I agree 100%. And I hope you don't get sick of me talking about nutrition, but since that's my world I'll do it again. People seek out "unnatural" cure-alls because it's EASY! Wouldn't you prefer to take a handful of supplements while eating whatever you want, feeling secure (although incorrectly so) that your body isn't devoid of vital nutrients? Wouldn't you rather take a pill to lose weight than resolve emotional compulsions to overeat?

There are reasons that the supplement industry makes billions a year, and millions are signing up for gastric by-pass. Often, a "band-aid" solution creates much greater problems in the long run.

Blair said...

I fully agree with Marci that people use chemicals because they are easier, and frankly take less time and emotional effort. I also think though that because we associate science with progress in our culture, we view natural solutions as backward, and even in some cases vaguely pagan or non-Christian. Does this make sense? For example, we associate healing with herbal remedies with not only pioneers, but also witch doctors.

Sam said...

I agree that we put a lot of faith and trust in science. I think Pollan and Carson raise a very good point that as we come to understand parts of complex interactions within the natural world, we think we have the whole picture. Unfortunately, as we try to understand things and pick them apart with modern technology it is easy to miss things without knowing it. Whereas as we have built things with technology, if we miss something, we know it because the computer doesn't work or the bridge falls down. I think the success of technology at creation has led us to believe that we can do the same in reverse. Unfortunately, there is never any way of knowing if we've seen all the details and we never know what consequences are occurring because of it.