Sunday, February 10, 2008

Question 1

Having read the book, how would you define "the omnivores dilemma?" and do you consider yourself as an omnivore with a dilemma? Why/why not?

1 comment:

Loren said...

This was actually something I was thinking about before I even read this book. i was standing in the grocery store looking at pasta, trying to convince myself that I should buy whole wheat pasta, even though I like the regular, white pasta. Here's my dilemma. Do I eat foods I don't like as well, because I know they are better for me? As a product of the industrial food chain (though my mom always cooked a lot of organic and vegetarian food, I don't think any of us can avoid reliance on the industrial food chain), I like some foods that are highly processed (like the oreos I mentioned in another post), but at the same time I hope to be able to make choices that will be good for me and good for the environment. THAT is my dilemma.